Center for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Technologies
Center for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Technologies
Providing global warming solutions for California and the West.
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Learn more about CEERT Affiliation
What are the benefits of affiliation?
Affiliation strengthens both the CEERT coalition and your organization’s voice in the public debate over clean energy public policy. It gives you access to our developed knowledge base, experienced staff members and consultants, active co-affiliates, and participation in our policy discussions and meetings where policy options and positions are developed. Affiliation also includes your financial and public support for the work of the coalitions.
Who can affiliate?
Any organization whose purpose is to promote greater energy conservation, efficiency, or increased use of clean and renewable energy resources, and which shares a commitment to public-interest principles for reducing climate and air-pollution emissions, is eligible for affiliation.
Take the First Step
To find out more about affiliation with CEERT and to receive more information about how to affiliate, just fill out the request form below.
Yes, please send me additional information about affiliating
with the CEERT coalition.
“CEERT has helped establish the policy mechanisms necessary for both a robust market and a series of successful renewable energy projects.”
Mark Tholke
VP, enXco
“…we look forward to continuing our work with CEERT. These renewable integration challenges are highly technical and require staff on the ground daily to attend workshops, file comments, and meet with regulators and policy makers. And that is what CEERT does best.”
Jonathan M. Weisgall
VP, Berkshire Hathaway Energy
“CEERT has been an honest and able broker, enabling conservationists and the solar industry to find common ground as well as a path forward for developing renewable energy in an environmentally sound manner.”
Johanna H Wald
Senior Attorney, NRDC