Center for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Technologies
Center for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Technologies
Providing global warming solutions for California and the West.
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LADWP, SMUD, and Other Municipal Utilities
CEERT continues our long-time work with municipal, publicly owned utilities such as the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP), Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD), and Riverside Utilities to reduce their dependence on fossil-fueled power and increase reliance on clean energy resources.
Recent Developments:
V. John White participated in the Advisory Committee to LADWP’s Strategic Long Term Resource Plan (STLRP), which is designed to implement the LA 100 plan adopted by LADWP and the LA City Council.
A key component of the STLRP is the need to greatly expand transmission, both into and within the LA Basin. CEERT has strongly supported expanding transmission and streamlining permitting and approvals, including the development of a high-voltage undersea DC cable between Diablo Canyon in San Luis Obispo County and the west side of LA, probably at LADWP’s Scattergood power plant. We have also advocated for this project to be expanded in size and be jointly developed by LADWP and CAISO/SCE, both to enable more north/south transmission capacity and to take advantage of LADWP’s access to lower-cost capital financing.
Project Director
V. John White
Executive Director