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CEERT Reports

TRANSMISSION IN 2024: CEERT's Review of the Challenges Ahead

May 20, 2024 | GridLAB & CEERT

This report focuses on more recent California Independent System Operator (CAISO) planning activities, including the issuance of a draft 2023-2024 Transmission Plan, the finalization of the interconnection process enhancement initiative, and the preparation for studies in the upcoming 2024-2025 Transmission Plan.

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California’s Path to Decarbonization

July 24, 2023 | GridLAB & CEERT

Through coordinated efforts, CA’s energy policymakers have created the conditions that encourage a high-level of interest in building and operating clean energy resources. However, CA will need to continue to make sustained efforts to ensure that sufficient transmission capacity is permitted.

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25th Anniversary

25 years of “Greening the Grid”

On May 4th, 2016, friends, family and guests gathered to commemorate the official 25th Anniversary celebration of the founding of CEERT. Read John Shahabian’s (retired CEERT Director of Operations) recap of this special event. GO ANNIVERSARY PAGE


a closer look

V. John White talks about planning for California’s renewable energy renaissance. Stimulus projects are beginning construction; they will bring jobs into California and help to jump start the economy of high-unemployment desert areas. CEERT is bringing people together to plan for natural conservation, renewables generation, and transmission for clean power.

Hal Harvey from Energy Innovation

Hal Harvey, CEO of Energy Innovation: Policy and Technology LLC, recently visited a CEERT gathering. Here are some highlights recapping his very informative presentation to us.VIEW MORE videos »

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