Center for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Technologies
Center for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Technologies
Providing global warming solutions for California and the West.
Pacific Gas & Electric
Sacramento Municipal Utility District
BrightSource Energy
California Independent Systems Operator (CAISO)
EDF Renewable Energy
Southern California Gas Company
BMW North America
California Environmental Associates (CEA)
Doosan Fuel Cell
EDP Renewables
Fuel Cell Energy
Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC)
Thank you for your support & sponsorship
We look forward to seeing you Tuesday May 5th
On behalf of the staff and board of the Center for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Technologies, we are delighted to honor and celebrate the achievements and distinguished public service of our 2015 Clean Power Champions. Through their vision and dedicated public service, each has made enduring contributions to the expansion of clean energy.
We gratefully acknowledge the generous support of our sponsors and affiliates, which means so much to us, and to our ability to carry out this work. California is on its way toward creating a new energy future, with efficiency, demand response, and clean energy at the heart of our economy. But there are great challenges, and opportunities which lie ahead. With your continued friendship and support, we will do our best to navigate the path forward, and be the change in the world.
~ V. John White
Executive Director, CEERT
Our Annual Clean Power Champion Awards Ceremony will be held on Tuesday, May 5, 2015. CEERT is hosting another very special party in Sacramento at The California Museum, 1020 O Street to honor three champions and pioneers of energy conservation and green, renewable energy.
Richard Maullin Former Chair, California Energy Commission Current Chair, CAISO Board of Governors The CEC’s first chair and founding leader, whose insight, ingenuity and dedication laid |
Tom Hayden Former CA State Senator For advancing the development of solar energy as the first chair of Solar Cal and for |
Hal Romanowitz (1933-2014) Wind Energy Pioneer A wind energy pioneer and innovator, whose vision, creativity, and tireless dedication |
Virinder Singh Director, Regulatory Legislative Affairs, EDF Renewable Energy Since 2010, Virinder Singh has been Director of Regulatory and Legislative Affairs at EDF Renewable Energy, a leading North American renewable energy development company and O&M provider. |