17th Annual Clean Power Champions Awards Reception

Last night CEERT celebrated our 17th Annual CPC Awards Reception. It was a wonderful evening, well attended, and appreciated by all in attendance. We very much appreciate the boost of support shown for last night’s event… and I believe our Executive Director said it best.


The board and staff of the Center for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Technologies are proud to welcome you to our 17th annual Clean Power Champion Awards.

We appreciate you joining us in celebrating the achievements and public service of our 2019 Clean Power Champions, each of whom has made lasting contributions to California’s clean energy future, and helped accelerate the transition from fossil fuels.

We thank our sponsors and affiliates for their generous support, which enables us to host this event and carry out our work throughout the year.

With the passage of SB 100 (de León), California has set a high bar sending a message to the nation and the world that we are committed to transforming our energy economy to dramatically reduce our dependence on fossil fuels. We have an enormous amount of challenging work ahead of us, but the benefits are continued advances in clean energy technologies and reductions in costs, which are in our favor. In many ways, the biggest barriers to progress are siloed agencies and institutions, a failure to adapt to our changing climate, and the consequences of our success in rapidly scaling up renewables while still being dangerously dependent on natural gas.

The stakes are high and the challenges are many, but the opportunities to achieve results and bring about a just transition for all are huge. We can modernize and decarbonize our electric grid and our transportation system, and at the same time, improve the quality of life and opportunities for all of California’s citizens.

We are honored and inspired by your friendship and support, and look forward to doing our very best to meet the challenges and seize the opportunities in front of us, as we work together to protect our planet and our communities, and expand economic opportunity for all.

V. John White
Executive Director, CEERT

(download complete PDF Program)

Thank you to our Sponsors


William + Flora Hewlett Foundation


EDF Renewables
The Nature Conservancy
Union of Concerned Scientists


Berkshire Hathaway Energy Company
BMW North America
CYRQ Energy
Enel X
Environment California
Geothermal Resources Council
Pattern Energy
Range Energy Storage Systems
Sacramento Metropolitan AQMD
Ed Smeloff
Howard Wenger
Westlands Solar Park

  • Regulators released a 60-page executive summary of the DRECP at an event headlined by Interior Secretary Sally Jewell and Sen. Barbara Boxer. read here.



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